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Nova Scotia, this ain't your first rodeo!


Saddle up for the Nova Scotia Stampede! Including a sanctioned, international Rodeo consisting of barrel racing, bull riding, saddle bronc, bareback riding & gymkhana. All rodeo events are featured daily on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.


The rider rides a pattern around three barrels positioned in the arena. The race pattern must be respected for the time to be valid. The rider may touch a barrel, but not topple it.

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The bull rider uses his balance and leg strength to remain seated. Watch how close to the rope riders sit and how they turn their toes outward. Riders are judged for style, holding into account the animal’s kicking abilities.

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The rider holds a bronc rein tied to a wide-band halter. On the first jump out of the chute, the rider must have his heels above the break of the the horse’s shoulder when the horses feet hit the ground for the first time. 

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The rider must have the heels of his boots above the break of the horse’s shoulder when the horses feet hit the ground for the very first time. the cowboy must bring his knees to his shoulder with toes turned outwards and then return his feet to the point above the break of the shoulders each jump. 



An equestrian event consisting of speed pattern racing and timed games for riders on horses such as pickup race and exchange race.

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